Simon Charles Deering
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Tasmin can be contacted at tasmindeering[at] (replace at-sign!)
8 July 1955 – 19 February 2012
Saturday, 10 March 2012
I'll miss you, Simon.
Aikido family
Simon, for me the one word that springs most to mind when thinking about him is joy. Joy in aikido, joy in live.
That great smile of his on the mat, was what attracted me to aikido and what made me stay. He is the one person I know that failed an aikido exam for smiling too much.
Luckily we got to spend time with him as much on the mat as off the mat. We have spend countless nights eating, drinking, playing games (cosmics!) and talking. Yes, drinking and talking, most important.
No, most important is family, and especially his own. We wish Liduina, Tasmin, Maya and Galen all the strength they need in this difficult time.
Friday, 2 March 2012
Love and thoughts of course must go out to Liduina, Tasmin, Maya and Galen; all amazing people that didn't waver, and made Simon as comfortable as humanly possible (in fact more so) and kept us all up to date in an honourable manner as well as dealing with their own grief – all in all a bloody amazing group of people.
Many people have written far more than I ever can. I miss you mate, but you know that. Enjoy what you are doing now, those of us still here will look after those close to you that need it, so don't worry on that front. Go do your stuff and, the universe permitting, I'll see you soon…
Oh Yes ! - a Blatant rip off – but some words that, in my mind sum up the brilliant, mad, naughty, fearsome, sensitive, force of nature that IS Simon Charles Deering:
A person who
In any situation
Perceives the truth with resignation
Would never need to draw his sword in haste
Enjoy my friend – whoever, wherever you are teaching.