Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Dear Simon............

Well what a shock it was to hear of your passing Simon, and like all these shocks that are presented to us in life, a sudden flood of memories of days gone by come raining down.
I knew you in Beaconsfiled in 1971 when you used to come barging into my flat while I was asleep on the bay window ledge one summers day to drag me out into the warm summer sun - I declined of course!!
I knew you when we worked together building that model of St. Paul's Cathedral in a pokey industrial unit filled with fibre glass resin fumes, we joked and pulled each others legs as we rolled another cigarette in those heavy fumes, young, inexperienced and very rude we were.
We worked together on 'Alien' and had laughs at life with it's crazy rational thinking.
We went our own separate ways in the mid 80s and lost touch while building our empires and finding new friends.
Thankfully we managed to find each others friendship again over these last few years and I am forever grateful that we did. It was good to recapture the silliness we had lost and find that all that really matters is that we use our time on this Earth to good effect while we are able.

Be good old mate


1 comment:

  1. Thanks Dennis for your story that completens my memories of Simon; I miss him too much
